This book is seriously one of the most phenomenal that I have EVER read. Ever. I have an entire note devoted to this book on my phone with quotes, and things to remember. When I came to Christianity, I was really worried that I was going to be told that I couldn't be a feminist. That I couldn't believe in what I always have. I am a really strong, outspoken feminist and I didn't want to give up any of that. When I found this book, I knew I had to read it.
I almost just think that my own words on this book are pointless and I should just include my favorite quotes so you can all understand why this book is so fucking amazing.
"If a woman is held back, minimized, pushed down, or downplayed, she is not walking in the fullness God intended for her as his image bearer, as his ezer warrior. If we minimize our gifts, hush our voice, and stay small in a misguided attempt to fit a weak and culturally conditioned standard of femininity, we cannot give our brothers the partner they require in God's mission for the world."
"Often when a woman exhibits leadership, she's accused of having that Jezebel spirit. I look forward to the day when women with leadership and insight, gifts and talents, callings and prophetic leanings are called out and celebrated as a Deborah, instead of silenced as a Jezebel."
"The Kingdom is a glimpse of true manhood and womanhood without fear or stereotypes or abuses from the world. We are restored image bearers in concert together, all participating, all parts functioning with holy interdependence. It's trust and laughter and holy risk taking; it's vocation and work and worship. It's sharing leadership and responsibility. It's turning away from the language of hierarchy and power to the posture of servanthood. It's affirming all the seasons and callings of each other's lives. It's speaking out and working and advocating on behalf of our oppressed brothers and sisters around the world."
"One needen't identify as a feminist to participate in the redemptive movement of God for women in the world. The gospel is more than enough."
If you aren't blown away, you absolutely should be. I LOVE THIS BOOK.
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