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The Reading Picnic

Grab a picnic basket and blanket, and I'll help you find something to read!

Currently reading

Tiger Lily
Jodi Lynn Anderson
Experiencing God: God's Invitation to Young Adults
Richard Blackaby, Henry T. Blackaby
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Rick Riordan, John Rocco
The Story: Teen Edition: Read the Bible as one seamless story from beginning to end
Zondervan Publishing, Anonymous


Prized - Caragh M. O'Brien This book was part of my first "Flash Review" on my book Review blog The Hufflepuff Whovian

So this series is my dirty little secret obsession. It’s dystopian but also with a scientific twist and this book didn’t disappoint. The universe O’Brien has created is actually super interesting, the male characters swooning over the heroine are actually DEVELOPED and not just there as a plot tool. I’m not going to go into TONS of detail since this is the second book in the series, but this series is seriously A+.