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The Reading Picnic

Grab a picnic basket and blanket, and I'll help you find something to read!

Currently reading

Tiger Lily
Jodi Lynn Anderson
Experiencing God: God's Invitation to Young Adults
Richard Blackaby, Henry T. Blackaby
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Rick Riordan, John Rocco
The Story: Teen Edition: Read the Bible as one seamless story from beginning to end
Zondervan Publishing, Anonymous

Catching Jordan

Catching Jordan - Miranda Kenneally This book was reviewed as part of my first "Flash Review" on my book review blog, The Hufflepuff Whovian.

TRASHY YA ROMANCE AT ITS FINEST. I live blogged this on facebook and as trashy and typical as it was, I couldn’t put it down. Not “Anna and the French Kiss” good, but so good.