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The Reading Picnic

Grab a picnic basket and blanket, and I'll help you find something to read!

Currently reading

Tiger Lily
Jodi Lynn Anderson
Experiencing God: God's Invitation to Young Adults
Richard Blackaby, Henry T. Blackaby
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Rick Riordan, John Rocco
The Story: Teen Edition: Read the Bible as one seamless story from beginning to end
Zondervan Publishing, Anonymous

Belle de Jour: Diary of an Unlikely Call Girl

Belle de Jour: Diary of an Unlikely Call Girl - Belle de Jour This short, PG, non spoilery review was part of my "Flash Review" on my book blog The Hufflepuff Whovian

I am OBSESSED with England. Like I wish I was British, I wish I was Rose Tyler/Billie Piper, etc etc. So when I watched Secret Diary of a Call Girl I had to read this book. I read it in Billie’s voice, it was much more raunchy than I expected, but I finished it quite quickly. I found Belle quite likeable, and as a sucker to understand “the human experience”, I found myself congratulating her for ‘getting it’ and owning her body like she did. Go girl.