Holy God. This book series. Every time I think it's murdered my soul sufficiently it comes up with a way to kill me even more. I just...holy god. It's been like a month since I've read it and I still haven't recovered enough to start Sisters' Fate. It's that bad, y'all. But in the most amazing way.
Y'all. If you haven't read this series you need to. I'm such a sucker for a great dystopian with amazing world building built in. AND dystopian female characters that aren't dealing with awkward love triangles and that defines their main conflict. THIS SERIES IS SO FAR FROM THAT. It murders everything you love though, so just be fully aware.
ANYWAY, this book actually took me much longer to get through than [b:Born Wicked|11715276|Born Wicked (The Cahill Witch Chronicles, #1)|Jessica Spotswood|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1332157702s/11715276.jpg|15706987] which I didn't want to put down and I'm not sure why that is. Once it fully picked up though it was amazing and I didn't want to let it go. It would probably be like 4.75 stars just because I didn't just fly through it? But seriously this series y'all.
Also, I think I can say I've never hated a female character more in my life than Maura. Like I just can't stand her. She's had SO MANY CHANCES TO BE A DECENT PERSON AND SHE JUST WON'T TAKE THEM. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT. FUCKING MAURA.
I also need a shirt that says "So he calls me up again and he's like 'I still love you' and I'm like 'but you're not Finn Belastra'" just because...yes I need this. Even remembering this book is making me freak out again. Time to read Sister's Fate I think.
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